Tag Archives: Dating


3 Nov


I had my first date with a guy last Friday night – we went to dinner and the theater, and, we had an absolutely wonderful time.  Since then we’ve managed to see each other at least once a day, and, so far things are great.

It’s been a refreshing change from the dates I’ve had previously until now.    I went out with a guy with a serious drinking problem.  That ended before we even got started – I ended it.  I couldn’t deal with his denial or his mood swings.

I went out with a guy who was just using me to meet another model – yes really.  That stung a bit.

And, I’ve been out with a garden variety of losers – the most notable… a 33 year old guy who still lives home, and, who’s biggest ambition in life is to wait for his parents to die, so he can inherit their money and not have to work.  (Hand to God, I swear it’s true!)

And, then of course, there are the Wall Street type business men looking for a trophy to trot around to parties who get sided lined the minute the introductions are done, and, business discussion begin.  Why bother?  These guys might as well take blow up dolls or mannequins with them since you (as the non Wall Streeter) aren’t allowed to speak, and, you are immediately cut off, and, escorted back to the “dates and partners corner” if you dare open your mouth.

I’m dating a very normal guy, and, it is the happiest I’ve been in the past 18 months.  He has a good job that pays well, but, he doesn’t live, eat, breath and talk about money 24 hours per day.  He’s fun to be with and comes up with very unique dating ideas – how many guys would take you to the Central Park Zoo or horse and carriage ride through Central Park and make it really fun?  This one did!

And, no, he isn’t George Clooney or Brad Pitt good looking.  He’s just a cute red head with a lot of personality .

How did we meet.  Through a mutual friend.  For me this has always been the secret to finding really nice guys.  I was never one to hang out in bars, I’d much rather be introduced through a friend who knows both of us, and, who thinks we would hit it off.

And, we did…  I’ll keep you posted 🙂